Thursday, January 1, 2015

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year to all!
What are you planning for this next year?  

Who could resist these cute little pooches helping their humans ring in the new year!

 My first New Years Resolution, for business anyway, is to have my Etsy store up and running before the end of Jan 2015.  No more procrastination for me, dang-it all! And I'm going to do a craft fair this year. I've never done one before and I think I just want to have the experience of doing it - at least once.  Who knows, I might like it enough to do it again.  I think my main goal in doing a craft fair would be to just have fun and be creative. Would like to make money at it of course, but it isn't as important to me as having the experience.  

I want to meet more creative people this year.  I started a Meet-up last month in my area for like minded crafters and I am hoping that it goes somewhere :-) I think being around other creative people is SO important. I love sharing and teaching and of course learning new things. I want to be more curious this year and explore more avenues and ideas and techniques regarding creativity. There are too many thing that interest me, it seems. I tend to just file my ideas away "for later" and then they never come to anything.  That revelation came to me when I was going thru an old file of ideas and wondered why in the world I'd never tried to do this one or that one!?  It's like, filing it away "for later" is the same as dropping it into a black hole!  I have to just pick something to create, go with it and see where it leads.  The adventure of creating something IS the goal. 

So, with that revelation in mind, I'd say my next New Years Resolution for my business will be to go to go thru my "Idea File" at least once a month and picking something to try out and DO it! Or at least get it going.  

Anyway, Happy New Years to all.  I sincerely wish you all a wonderful upcoming year where all of your dreams come true. 

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